Swindle online
Invisible Smash Hard Puffs On The Pocket!

"Having cheated a bank manager for a quarter of a million rupees by cheating a 40% discount in online shopping", after reading this news, many people who have suffered from such incidents will have chest pain What should be done to those who loot the hard earned money in this way? Nearly all governments in the world have laws in this case that treat such criminals fairly well after such incidents are caught: a practice of digging money from various types of fraud since online shopping Walking which is at its best at this time. A friend of mine, after seeing the advertisement of beautiful glasses in a website years ago, deposited money online to buy it, he did not get the glasses nor did that website appear again, how many people like my friend benefited from that advertisement. Will happen! It cannot be imagined: Another case is also similar: There is a website of the company that sells parts of the mobile. Maxambi has also created an app. It works in a big way here: Big love to the customer Frauded by: a customer ordered a part of the value of Rs 389, money is deducted from his account, the message comes on the mail the second time, the item you ordered is not with us, we cancell it. Doing your money is deposited in our wallet, you can withdraw it by going to our app or you can transfer it to your account: There are three ways for that. No computer can extract money from Wallet! This means that only the company can withdraw the money from that wallet: Interestingly, if it is asked to buy something else in its place, then the money for that goods is also deposited by depositing it with the money of the wallet, that is, 389 With sixty rupees and ::: then once news comes that your order can be cashed. 449 rupees of consumer deposits in Wallet. This money keeps accumulating, ie such company loots the money of people without supplying any goods: Online shopping site in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, cheating a bank manager for 1.66 lakhs by cheating 40% discount Was taken. The thugs told the lucrative offers, then deposited the money in advance before the purchase, after which the money was withdrawn from the account. Apart from the manager, money has also been withdrawn from his wife's account. Shakeel Ahmed, a resident of Shyamnagar Raipur, is a manager in a bank: He got a call from an online shopping company on the 8th, convincing him that the company is offering a 40 percent discount on the purchase of electronic goods at the festival to purchase ten thousand. But there will be a rebate of 4 thousand, the manager came under the swindle of the thugs: they were asked to deposit money in advance. Both deposited 6 thousand and 11 thousand rupees online. When he feared fraud, he found the company's customer care number on the Internet and called in it. The manager lodged his complaint: The thug said that all his money will be returned to his account: an account number was taken from him, after which about two and a half lakh rupees were withdrawn from the account. When the transaction message came on the manager's mobile, it was detected that he was cheated again. With the speed at which technology has progressed, at the same speed, human dependence on internet has also increased. By sitting in one place, the access of human beings through the Internet has become easy to every corner of the world. In today's time, everything that a person can think about, he can have access to it through the Internet, like That social networking, online shopping, data storing, gaming, online study, online job etc. In today's time, internet is used in almost every field. Along with this, the concept of cybercrimes has also evolved: Cybercrimes are committed in various forms: A few years ago, there was a lack of awareness about crimes committed through the Internet. In the cases of cyber crimes, India is not far behind those countries where the rate of incidence of cyber crimes is also increasing day by day. In cases of cyber crime, a cyber criminal can use a device to disable a user's personal information, confidential business information, government information or a device. Cybercrime, also known as 'electronic crime', is a crime in which a computer, network device, or network is used as an object or device to commit any crime. Where such crimes are carried out by them (computers, network devices or networks), while crimes are committed against them by targeting them. Software piracy is also a form of cyber crime, in which it is not necessary that cyber criminals commit crime only through online portals. In India, Information Technology Law (IT Law) 2000, as amended by IT (Amendment) Act 2008 is known as Cyber Law. A separate chapter in this law as "crime" exists. Although it has many drawbacks and is not a very effective law for monitoring cyber warfare, it is important to note that when a cyber crime is committed against the government, it is considered an attack on the sovereignty of that nation and action of war. . These criminals are usually terrorists or enemy governments of other countries. Most Internet users do not pay attention to the fact that their information is hacked.
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